2 April 2012

week 10

2 APRIL 2012

It’s time for me to focus on the motor and pump. For the guideline, first of all, I plan again my block diagram. Here is my block diagram:

This project requires motor and pump for the main operation.  So, from the block diagram, when power supply is switch on, it will activate air pump which will suck air from environment and delivered it to the valve. Air pump is controlled by pressure controller. I’m using variable resistor 50K to control the pressure of air pump. When variable resistor is turn to the maximum, it will give high pressure of air through the valve, to the mattress and vice verse.

Valve; which the rotation is controlled by motor will delivered the air through two tubes to the mattress. Here come the difficulties for me to choose the best motor to rotate the valve. These valves have three chambers; which one of it is from the air pump, and another two I connect to the mattress by tube.  When the motor rotate, it wills also rotating the valve. So, each time only one chamber to the mattress will open to deliver air to the mattress. The other chamber will not delivered air. After half cycle, the other chamber opens to delivered air, and vice versa. This will generate alternating flow to the mattress.

Valve: after half cycle each valve will open to delivered air

Three chamber valve. 1 from air pump; the other 2 to the mattress

Finally, I decided not to use Stepper motor, and choose synchronous brush less DC motor to rotate the valve. It is because, the operation of both motor is similar; but stepper requires programming for it to operate; which requires more time to explore and troubleshoot. Later I’ll explain the specification of the synchronous motor. =)